When watching the movie “An Officer and a Gentleman”,Omega X-33 became the most wanted discount rolex replica watch.Omega caught the chance of solar flight plan,to started an expecting world travelling,it proudly published a new series which was a legendary super series:Super Skywalker X-33 solar flight plan limitted wrist watch.It was not only a excellent timekeeping watch but also as a gift presented for solar flight plan whose greatest target was to drive plane with pure solar travel around the world,it claimed the possibility of renewable energy.
The 45mm frosted case is made of light grade 2 titanium and the blue ceramic bezel plated with with Super-LumiNova.Both blue dial and green dial have the white transfer scale and Super-LumiNova plated time markers.What’s more,it takes openended design of the centre which makes wearer could read the digital infomation on the LCD(black backgroud,grey font)For instance,the hour hand,minute hand and second hand of three different timezone,the function of three alarm、second timekeeping and buy rolex replica reciprocal and the perpetual calendar to display week、date、month and year.Pierced black and white hour hand and minute hand plated with Super-LumiNova which will sending out green light,and the dark green second hand in the centre is also clear and conspicuous.Wearer could also stopped the hand to read out the LCD information more clear.
The drive core of Skywalker X-33 is OMEGA 5619 which a multifunctional quartz chronograph movement carry integration of coil temperature compensation.Beside the analogy and digital indicator,this model also has two practical functions for pilot:MET and PET.The Grade 2 titanium back is fixed with 8 screws and embossed the Solar fight plan’s armlet of “Around the World”meanwhile,it engraves the name and words of “TESTED AND QUALIFIED BY ESA”.
The ESA tested and certificated brand new X-33 is based on the ESA patented invention which registered by a pilot called Jean-François Clervoy.Therefore,it could keep a exactly time in severe enviroment.The model carries NATO bracelet and only launched 1924 for limitted.1924 is in memory of the first flight for world travelling: The army air corps member of USA completed the first flight to travel around the world on April 4th to Sep 28th,1924.
OMEGA shared the news of the sucess of Solar fight plan to the world via international platform.Besides,Omega supplied kinds of buy fake rolex innovated techonoly to help the whole group to reach the target.
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