ARMIN STROM’s distinguished production won 2015 discount rolex replica Red Dot DesignAward,to reflect ameteurs’ wish,Skeleton Pure gave up the complexity and remain its accuracy to show the movement’s machanical craft.In addition,every part of the movment marked with colors which distinguish the multi-level structure.While the watch is chained,wearer could view all the parts functional.It is definitely amazing.
Next year,the package,retail display and international promotion of the watch will all mark the words of “Red Dot”.The watch will be displayed in Red Dot Design Museum which located in Essen,German for one year.Besides,it will be collected in Red Dot Online,Red Dot App,Red Dot21 and Red Dot Design Yearbook which will be published soon.
It has been 60 years since the international awards born,it chose the best work of the global from the 31 categories.There are 38 referees choose 2015 works.Evaluation group is made of indivisual designers,proffessors and professional journalists.There are nearly 5000 works come from 56countries.The winner list buy rolex replica will be announced in the award ceremony and reception hold in Essen on June 29.
Red Dot means represents highest achievement in the field of design,ARMIN STROM whose headquarters is located in Bill will publish its new logo in early September which annotate the new positioning established in 2009.ARMIN STROM wrist watch’s making,decorating,galvanize and assembling are all by its own since moved to the new headquarters in 2009.By this way,ARMIN STROM fully abide by the principle of “Original factory manufacturing”so it could focus on watch-making and consolidate on the basis of new ideas and high precision.Therefore,ARMIN STROM is one of the few Swiss watchmakers independent of the large groups .
ARMIN STROM has been under the management by Serge Michel and Claude Greisler since 2009.For them,the movement also occupied a great position,dial’s layout will show the complex machanical equipment.
Today,never out of date, implicit surface treatment process is evolved and becomes more and more modern,and open to the world,the new logo is exactly express fake rolex watches the trend.
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