There will be divided into two groups for those who love Lange,one towards Lange 1 and another towards replica watches Datograph.Both of the two paths are high-tech watches.No matter you prefer lange 1 or Chronograph, you will dream of the Zeitwerk which launched by Lange,so do I.However,we should ask ourselves,whether we need is a grace for suits or grand complication?Let’s go.
As is known to all,Richard Lange Boutique Edition Wristwatch which was launched in 2006 was the youngest series.It aimed at the requirements for those who love to attend formal social occasions.With traditional three needles,the watch made of caliber L041.2 movement,Lange sweeping second hand included.
Try on the world’s most expensive Rolex double rattrapante 4113 watch: Guys always doult which replica watches watch brand has a store value,actually,Rolex always be the focus on the auction.Today,we will introduce you a model,it is Rolex who published a first double rattrapante in 1942,Ref.4113. They only produced 12 at that moment which made it as the most expensive watch at the present.
The so-called double rattrapante means add second chronograph hand on the basis of the nomal chronograph watch.When you press the double rattrapante button,the chronograph hand will be seperate from the ordinary chronograph hand.By working with two hands at the same time and stopping seperately,it could record the working time of two and above working objectives.Providing by mechanical movement,the watch made of complex function was so popular among some sports competition,especially the MotoLite.
In 1988,the first Ref.4113 appeared in the salesroom of Antiquorum,comparing to today,the valuation at the present was rather low,only 40,000-5,0000 Swiss franc,and the final price was 53,000 Swiss franc.Another Ref.4113 was appeared in the salesroom of Mondani on May,2006 which is one of the most inportant auction for Rolex.The final price for replica watches all auctions was 11,037,279 Swiss franc,the Ref.4113 was the highest price among all the auctions which was 738,000 Swiss franc.
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